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3 steps to have a focused mindset for productivity

Photo du rédacteur: Dr YousraaDr Yousraa

Hey people, I hope y’all are doing okay, and having a good time, today I wanted to talk about something that most of us struggle with; and it is ALL MIGHTY PRODUCTIVITY!

Productivity is something hard to accomplish due to many reasons, such us


Lack of focus

Lack of self-motivation and purpose

However, fear not! You can still achieve this after training your brain to do so…

I struggled with being productive for as long as I can remember; which affected my grades, my content creation process and so on and so forth… but the how I got out of the RUT is what made me realize that everyone else can do it too!

The secret to being productive is to a have a FOCUSED MINDSET.

Now let’s breakdown this sentence word by word;

What is a mindset: it is the established set of attitudes held by someone.

Having a focused mindset means:

*** Having a clear state of mind willing to work hard to achieve a certain goal

*** Having a purpose and a will to accomplish certain tasks

*** Having the right amount of discipline that helps you tackle anything in hand

Now, as you all know, discipline is like a muscle, it needs to be trained in order for you to see results! so what you can do in this situation is to develop the right mindset for success, because no matter how many books you’ll read about productivity hacks, or how many YouTube videos you’ll watch, it won’t matter if you don’t have the right mindset for it !

So how did I develop a focused mindset that helped me being productive even if I do not feel like it…?

R E A D  L E S S ;  A P P L Y   M O R E

I have read my fair share of books throughout the years but what made me become more productive is actually PUTTING OUT THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF WORK!

So let’s say you read 02 books in a month or so, try to read one book, write down in your notebook what you have learned from this book, and start applying what you have read, and as you know it takes 21 days to develop a habit.

Therefore, if the book you have read about is about waking up early or adopting a healthier lifestyle, then read it and take 21 days period to apply what you have read.

Because at the end of the day it’s not about how many books you read, it’s about how much these books change your life and your influence your daily habits.

U S E   T I M E   M A N A G E M E N T   H A C K S

This is a very important tip that everyone should be aware of, the Pomodoro method have saved my life in so many occasions, and it’s my ultimate holy grail technic that I’ve learned from reading mindset books.

Set a timer for 25minutes (put your phone on a do not disturb mode then set the timer) ; start working on that task then after the time is up, take a 05minute break and repeat ..

This will not only help you stay focused, it will also help you finish all your tasks if you commit to it.

The secret to master the Pomodoro technic is to delegate any other task that you did not plan for. Do not let anyone or anything distract you.

B R A I N   D U M P   E V E R Y T H I N G

I always say this; the pen and paper should become your BEST FRIEND!

Nothing more effective than writing all of your thoughts and ideas (no matter how stupid they are) on a piece of paper, because it will allow you to think much more clearer, and distinguish between the good and the bad ideas, which is the perfect way to determine wither you should work on them or not.

Buy a simple copybook, nothing fancy, and a pen and start WRITING EVERYTHING that comes across your mind even when you’re in the shower ha-ha, well .. don’t take your notebook and paper there , but still lol; write those ideas down when you get out of the shower ha-ha..

Anyways… these are my top 03 tips on how to keep your mindset focused to be productive. It is not rocket science, and I am not here to overwhelm you with thousands of tips and ideas, I am showing you only the essential ones that worked for me this far and I am sure that it will work for you too!

Let me know in the comments bellow if you tried any of these methods and if it had worked for you so far too.

Make sure to follow me on social media for more motivational content and updates.

With love

Dr Yousraa

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